
-----Horniness is its own special demon. We feel it brush through us as we wander to and fro in the world. Very few are immune. You see that girl over there: the one in the natty suit and running shoes? She is so distracted by her career. As she is sitting on the bus this afternoon she begins to squirm. Her eyes take on a faraway cast. She hurries home, takes a shower, and says five rosaries in a row. She goes to bed and after a night thick with undulating incubi she awakens with damp fingers.
-----Or that young fellow who is trying so hard to be polite? Yet his glance lingers over the passersby. Within the folded closeness of his clothes the tension builds. He leaves the cafe carefully and quickly hurries home to his dreams.
-----They meet by accident and try and try to slake this thirst which only grows. Her guilt wraps itself around his fear. In the tangled dance there is barely time to speak, They see each other as bright points around wet kisses, hands and curves, moans and accessions. But mostly their eyes are closed in fits of trembling breath until she swells with the child she can not refuse. He flees.





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